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Diffusing essential oils is a great way to naturally scent your home & every oil has it’s own benefits.
Essential oils are highly effective when inhaled.
“Inhaled substances pass down the trachea into the bronchi, and from there into finer and finer bronchioles, ending at the microscopic, sac-like alveoli of the lungs, where gaseous exchange with the blood mainly takes place.
The alveoli are extremely efficient at transporting small molecules, such as essential oil constituents, into the blood.
This efficiency increases with the rate of blood flow through the lungs, the rate and depth of breathing, and with the fat-solubility of the molecules.
Essential oil constituents absorbed via inhalation may enter the bloodstream and reach the central nervous system with relative ease.”– Robert Tisserand, Essential Oil Safety, 2e
Here are some ways to diffuse them in your home. If you have not already read it, please check out this post on Using Essential Oils Safely.
Ultra-Sonic Diffusers
These are very easy to use, just add water & 2-6 drops of essential oils. For some scent ideas, you can check out this post.
It is important to note that you should not use essential oils with hot air humidifiers. Heat can degrade the therapeutic values of the oils.
Remember, since it is such an effective way to use them, you need only run a diffuser for 15 minute every hour, this gives your olfactory system time to recover. It is especially important for pregnant women to only diffuse for 15 minutes.
Reed Diffusers
Great for a smaller room such as a bathroom.
To diffuse using this method, you need:
- A narrow necked glass bottle
- 25-30 drops of essential oils
- 1/4 cup carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond oil are good)
- Reeds (or wooden skewers with the points cut off)
Mix your oils and pour into your bottle, add reeds. Turn reeds everyday to help diffuse oils.
I have written a few posts on Essential Oil Scent Combinations, you can find those listed below.
- Romantic Essential Oil Blends
- Mood and Energy Boosting Essential Oil Blends
- Autumn Essential Oil Blends
- Winter Essential Oil Blends
- Spring Essential Oil Blends
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