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Being a mom is hard. Here are some practical ways that we can reach out and bless a mom of littles.
As Christian women, we are instructed in Titus 2 to come along side other women, be they younger in age, or their walk with Christ. A lot of times that just looks like helping them out and leading by example. Reaching out and being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Women today do not benefit from the help and wisdom of the older generations as our mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers have (and indeed, throughout the rest of history). We no longer have the mentors we once did.
We are meant for community. These days moms get most of their socialization online. In a pinch that works, but as a body of believers we should be reaching out, building each other up, admonishing one another, bearing each other’s burdens. This does take intentionality and time in our rushed culture.
Here are some ideas to help bless the mom of littles in your life!
Bless A Mom By Praying For Her
And let her know that you are praying for her. Put a sticky note with her name on it in a place that you will see it frequently. Ask her how you can best pray for her.
Take Her A Meal
Taking a meal to someone is an old, sweet gesture of friendship and caring.
If you know that a mom is struggling, be it with a new baby, a sickness in the house, a time of grieving, or just a hard time, taking a meal is a great way to easy her physical and mental burden, as well as let her know that she is care for.
TakeThemAMeal and MealTrain make it easy to get others in on the action. You easily set up meals for her family during times of a new baby, sickness, grieving, or just any hard time. I have used both, but slightly prefer take them a meal. I plan to share more on how to set these up in the future.
Be sure to ask about allergies and preferences.
Moms might get a few meals after her first baby, but don’t forget the mom of 1+. Check back in with her a few weeks later as well, most of the excitement dies down and it can feel like you’ve been forgotten.
Also, freezer meals are great because then she can just take them out anytime she needs and dump them in a crockpot or pop them in the oven.
Don’t forget the paper plates and disposable silverware.
Healthy snacks like lactation cookies, cheese and nuts are handy for nursing moms to munch on. (Again, do check about allergies)
The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother and The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care have some great recipes to make sure mom get what she needs to recover. Check your local library!
Invite Her Family Over for Fellowship
Reaching out and inviting her to come over is a huge boost for a struggling mom. It’s a chance to get out, ease her burden a bit, and pour into her.
Whether for a play date, game night, just a simple pizza dinner (again, ask about allergies), a taco bar, or coffee, she will appreciate it. A chance of pace is so nice when you have littles.
And, if she is unable to make it the first time, don’t give up! Life is crazy for everyone.
Run Errands for/With Her
With little ones, there are times when running to drop stuff at the post office (or worse, having to do something at the counter-juggling packages and littles), running into a store for one or two items that are needed (and not every store has pick-up), dropping something by the bank, or doctor’s office is a daunting task.
What was once an hour of errands has now turned into a good chunk of the day between loading and unloading littles.
Riding along with her give s a chance for fellowship while driving, and you can ease her burden by sitting in the car with her littles while she runs in.
Invite Her to Bible Study
Or simply to study the word with you outside of a church setting where her kids can play while you chat/read. This is such a great way to bless a mom. Filling her cup in an eternal way.
Gift Her a Devotion or Bible Study
There are many great studies out there! Joyful and Free Paperie, Alonda Tanner, His Word Alone, and Women Living Well are some of my favorites, but you can check out my Bible study resource page for more ideas!
Tell Her You Are Coming Over To…
Schedule a time when you can come over and enable her to rest, help her, or just pamper her so she will be able to better enjoy her children’s younger years. Here are some ideas to bless mom:
- Do laundry (especially folding and putting away!)
- Do Dishes
- Clean (dust, vacuum, do bathrooms-you could ask her to make a list)
- Watch her children so she can nap/shower/soak in a bath
- Do whatever she needs
- Give her a pedicure, manicure, or facial
- Bring a healthy snack over and watch a movie or binge watch a tv show with her
- Do a Bible study with her (yeah, already mentioned it, but it is important)
- Bring her some chocolate or a favorite treat
- Watch baby so she can play a game with her older kids
- Bring a stack of kids books from the thrift store (so she can read to baby and any older siblings they might have)
Remember The Big Kids
Bring a little something for older siblings when you bring a baby gift.
Take her big kids to a neighbor hood park to burn off some energy or play a board game with them.
Don’t Forget Hubby Time
A big blessing for a mom could be playing a game with the children and/or holding baby so she and hubby can have a cup of coffee or watch a movie or do an at-home date box (which is also a fantastic gift for them!).
Send Her Some Happy Mail
Send a nice card (and possibly gift card for her favorite place to eat out) with some encouraging Scriptures in it.
If You Aren’t Local…
You can send her something. mom gift ideas, mom in box? Family night in box, a little something to pamper her, or something she can hubby can use for a date night in.
Taking Time to Bless a Mom
Have you ever been blessed as a new mom or mom of littles? Have you ever taken the time to bless a mom of littles?