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When Your Children Imitate You
Imitation is the highest form of flattery they say. It happened the other day. My sweet little guy wanted to be sure I heard him as I was trying to change little sisters diaper. He took my face in his hands, put his forehead on mine and looked right into my eyes.

It was one of those moments when you realize they are not just watching, but learning habits and how to do things.
You see, when I want to make sure little man understands me, I take his face in my hands, put my forehead on his and look into his eyes.
Imitators of God
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.
Ephesians 5:1-2
What a perfect picture painted here in Scripture.
Children pick up on and repeat so much.
They are extremely perceptive.
We, as God’s children, need to imitate Him.
Little Christs
The term “Christian” was not originally used by people to describe themselves.
It was used by pagans as a derogatory term. The Christians in Antioch stood out with characteristics of Christ. They were different.
Today people often claim the name of Christ, but do not truly follow Him. It makes no difference in their lives.
As a mom, I need to imitate Christ. To walk in His love. Renewing my mind. Getting drunk in the Spirit. Remaining in a spirit of prayer. Offering my life as a sacrifice to God.
My children are watching. The world is watching.
Finding time to study the Word is hard, but I need to get better at it. I cannot pass something to the that I do not have.
I want the love of God to overflow from my life to theirs, and anyone else that is around me.
YES! So true! Such a great post. Kids, even little ones, pick up on all the little things we do…I had a moment like this recently, when I realized that my two-year-old was watching everything I did. She totally busted me on something in my marriage and I ended up writing about it: http://tolovehonorandvacuum.com/2015/04/what-my-two-year-old-taught-me-about-marriage/
You spoke to great truths in this post: we need to imitate Christ more AND we need to be careful about our behavior because children will imitate us. Something to think about and act on.
Oh man! Have my girls started doing things I do. Some are simple and cute but others make me wonder where they picked up such a bad habit and then God shows me. It is always me. Love this!
being imitators of Christ, the Bible says – SO true 😀
Love this. Yes, we must be imitators of Christ…and be aware that our children are imitating us. So powerful. Thanks for the reminder. Blessings, Amy
It’s amazing how bright and receptive children are. I have a joke with my mom and I say, “Oh well” to here all the time then we laugh. Out io the blue my 2 year is saying it. Im horrified. We have to be so careful because WE set the example.
Right on! I love the way you get his little attention. You’re a good mom
oh how I wish the whole world knew this!