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Getting Drunk in The Spirit
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Ephesians 5:15-20 (Emphasis mine)
Let’s think about this picture Paul gives us for a minute.
- Getting drunk affects many aspects of one’s life.
- It affects the way you see things, your vision.
- It affects how you feel.
- It affects your speech, how you talk.
- It affects the way you walk.
- It affects the way you think.
Here Paul tells us not get drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit.
The word used for fill here is plēroō, which means “to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim”.
We, as followers of Christ, should be so full of the Spirit that it affects every part of our life. How we walk, talk, think and see things.
Over and over in Scripture we are told that our lives should be different if we are following Christ. On our own this is impossible. We need to be filled with the Spirit who enables us.
Unless we are spending time with Him, in His Word, in prayer, allowing Him to point out the weeds of sin in our lives and changing what He calls us to, we will be no different.
Let me ask you this. Without anything that you say (because talk is cheap, and your walk is what speaks volumes to the world), would people see that your life is different? How? What is different about your life? How does your faith affect those around you on a daily basis?
In other places Scripture talks about Gracefilled Speech, Being Peculiar, and Dressing for the Day.
The way we move (body signals), what we speak and even how we do our job speaks volumes. Unless the Lord reveals the intent of our heart we are easily deceived. Thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit. He’s not known as the Spirit of truth for nothing. Blessings. Sweet sister, blessings.
Thank you for reminding us to be full of the Spirit. As to your question, where I work, I need to deal with lots of students and being strict and kind at the same time, ensuring that the students are learning much both intellectually morally are some of the ways God helps me to give evidence of His Spirit in me. In fact, blogging and running my social media accounts is all part of shining the light of the Gospel and guiding the young. May the Lord help us to do this more and more in Jesus’ name.
Yes, I want my life to show the evidence of being under the influence of the Spirit in every area. We need those important questions that you ask at the end of this post.
Great examination of how having the spirit within us makes us live differently. A teen in our youth group recently shared that she knew of a girl who was a light. She said that she wanted to be a light like this. Like her, I hope someday to be filled to the brim with the Spirit so that there is nothing left for anything else.
Great reminder. We are to be controlled by nothing save the Spirit of God, and the Spirit should influence our thoughts, actions, reactions, and behavior.
Powerful question! Would anyone know by our actions and not our words that we are a Christian? That is a wonderful question to think about and when we start to answer “no”, then we need to remedy it quickly.
we have to stay close to God in order for Him to be able to help us
I’ve had this conversation with so many people. It can be touchy! But you stated very well God’s view (based on scripture) when it comes to drinking and being drunk.
Great post!! I really hope to be able to show the wonderful love God has lavished upon me to other people as well and not just store it in myself!
Excellent post. I really found it interesting when the secular media started their public service announcements on “buzzed driving”. It’s sad in some ways that they “got it” before many Christians, but is further confirmation that even a little greatly affects your actions.
“We, as followers of Christ, should be so full of the Spirit that it affects every part of our life. How we walk, talk, think and see things.” Amen!
I thought your question interesting. If I never said a word, could my life show evidence I am His? Definitely food for thought. I don’t want to just talk the talk, I want to walk the walk as well.
Thanks for sharing at The Loft.